Friday, December 7, 2012

A long ride

There is a long bus
Riding up 16th street tonight
One small victory
For the working poor
On a Wednesday in December
With biting wind
And the patience of Job

Yes I am excited that
The restaurant workers
And office cleaners
The security guard
And nurse aides
Get a seat on the bus tonight

Most of the people who get on
At 11:18 PM will ride a while?
The bus lurching
Slower because it’s bigger
But still there is room for us all

Most weekends
There are well dressed white people
Who take the s4 or s2
Quick stops
With bags of wine
Or pizza from whole foods
The weather is usually better than

On nights like tonight
When it’s cold
There is a sea
Of brown and black faces

The only goal is to get home
Weary from waiting on buses
Weary from waiting on people

The metro doesn’t care what your job is
They keep raising fares
But the article in the post about workers and commute
And buses that are to full
Has made it impossible to ignore the need

There is a long bus

Up 16th street tonight
I hope it remains
That way
A memorial
To blood sweat tears
A reminder
That we are

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