Saturday, June 1, 2013

built houses

Why don’t you believe in second chances?
Its easier to walk away
Then fight for worthwhile lives
I too used to take my bruised ego
Lick wounds in lonely places
And wish someone loved me enough
To come find me
But it was never about them
It was always about me
I needed to come to a place of
Where my own healing wasn’t tied to what
Someone did or didn’t do

I wish for that for you
that you see your own beauty
Your own greatness
Your own healing seperate from the mistakes and
Mishaps of others
Then maybe you would believe in second chances

Maybe then you could build dreams on unpractical ground
Build houses of brick and motor
and permanency

I'm trying to build houses 
16th street style
Victorian French doors
Spanish adobe style
Cottage quaint
Southern big post columns with
Expansive memories
And enough space to breathe and move
With someone else
Someone not you
Someone who only wants me to occupy his house
Likes me for how he feels around me
But he is not home
He is not you

You are mow the lawn
Run through the sprinklers
You are BBQ and backgammon
You are the things love stories are build on and hard times lean on
You are how houses are built
Over time
Brick by brick
Moment by moment
Every overcome Argument
And late night convo
That makes us remember our humanity
And maybe your my Romeo
And I'm not your Juliet but atleast I know how I want my house built
how i want it to look
what i want it to feel like
i will always rearrange furniture
i will always change the energy
to make it better
but the foundation will always be reconizable

dont be scared of second chances
of big houses
with poweful women
and big dreams

women who like you used to run